
way to make money online with create blog!

There are many ways to make money online there , but the technology at all , can not be simple and easy , and fun , such as a blog . Under the sun , all things , can you imagine to make money while about what you are writing most ? Well, this is possible if you know how to monetize your blog .

Take a lot of people , a blog is just a way for people to express their thoughts on the Internet . However , because the people are increasing , blog , is advantageous source of income . The best part about the blog is that it is a business of making money that requires the investment of very little it . And if you know how if you have a little time , you write , the blog for the money , you is what you should consider seriously .

How to make money blog

Blog can be thought of as an online diary , but there is great potential to make money with them . For example, if you write something about popular topics . People who use Google to search for topics related to the subject matter of this popular , you can receive a link to your blog in the search results . If the people of the thousand or more people conduct a study of the same keyword , it reaches your blog , the population growth of the reader. Growth of traffic and driving is important for blog successful . For your blog get sponsorship and other search engines Google, keeping up to date on a regular basis is also important to it .

One way to make money with blog , is to provide a product to your readers . You can either sell your own product and selling product of other people through affiliate marketing .

In addition , you can make money through advertising . If 10,000 people are reading your blog every day , for example , there are ads to be more than happy to pay to be able to reach 10,000 of these . Through the Google AdSense , and the best way to put ads on your blog . They tend to be when many ads are displayed too on the page they , people , please note the number of ads that you place on your blog .

Key 5 Tips for blog profit

Of course , easier said than people want someone to visit your blog , make it is difficult . If you write about popular topics , if several million people without a competitor , you can expect that you have hundreds of thousands of you . There are things that you can do to increase traffic to your blog .

1 . Please select a useful niche . Niche refers to the themes and topics that are popular enough that there are people who are interested in it , but not popular to be too saturated it .

2 . I want to search by keyword . You , if you want to dominate the search engine and other Google, you must use the right keywords for your blog . It takes time to find the best words for your blog .

3 . I learn SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization . This means that you put the elements of your blog a place in the search method easily in Google and other search engines simply . There are available many resources on SEO .

4 . Please use the social media . Please enjoy the popular social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

5 . I will update your blog on a regular basis . If you can not 3-4 times, and do it in a week at least every day . I think readers want to see the new material constantly .

Intended to avoid

1 . Always , in your blog , you are presented with the idea our unique and creative . You can copy the content from other sites , stealing should not . Google are sure about it , I punish you for it .

2 . Also , please avoid placing links to external too much to your blog . Do not go to another site to understand the interests of your viewers , may jeopardize the potential sale it is important .